The Addison City Council voted 4-3 Tuesday against removing a Planning and Zoning Commission member, despite his anti-Muslim comment.
Commission member Tom Hunse made the comment on his LinkedIn page, where he explained why he resigned from Eastern Illinois University’s Board of Advisors.
The comment reads: “I resigned in September 2013 from [the] board upon being made aware EIU had named a Muslim to head the Lumpkin School of Business. After pondering the tragic events over the last couple of decades in this country and the role Islam has played throughout the world, as a Christian and a patriot, I cannot support the university’s decision…”
After learning of the comment Council member Chris DeFrancisco made a motion to remove Hunse.
“Our reputation has now been tainted by the endorsement of Mr. Hunse,” DeFrancisco said in a written argument to the Council.
“Tolerance is encouragement, and we must not tolerate these types of activities from members of our Boards and Commissions,” DeFrancisco said.
Hunse responded with a letter, where he apologized and explained that his resignation from EIU had to do with how the university hired the Muslim man, and not the man’s religious beliefs.
“In this age of cyber-speed we sometimes fail to take the time to completely and accurately express ourselves, and that was certainly the case in this instance,” Hunse said.